Saturday, March 6, 2021

community living camp


In our fast-paced world of technology, camps expose young people to a different kind of environment - a community-based atmosphere in which campers learn about living, working, and playing together. In addition, campers typically learn a healthy respect for nature. The life skills that many youth experience at camp help to form thinking patterns that impact the type of adults they will become. Living in a camp community helps prepare youth to be positive contributors to their communities. Working with Community helps to understand and appreciate the problems of the community and gives the chance to think about possible solutions.

The camp provides ample opportunities to fine tune the interpersonal relationship skills of the campers through the process of group dynamics. Through this assignment they try to explore the models of group work and community organization, the types, principles, values, skills and techniques used during the camp. There are opportunities to spread awareness, information, interact, and organize programmes for the community during the camp.

The B.Ed. Curriculum directs to organize a five-day residential community living camp during the academic year. Accordingly, Christ Nagar College of Education , Thiruvallam organized a five-day community living camp ‘MERAKI 2K21’during 1to 5th March 2021 in the college campus. Due to the covid pandemic condition, the camp was arranged as a nonresidential camp. The theme for the Community Living Camp was Education-Its Creative And Social Aspects