Thursday, December 19, 2019



The College Union is constituted every year in accordance with the University rules and regulations. The Union consists of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, General Secretary, Arts Club Secretary, Magazine Editor, Secretary for Sports University Union Councillors and General Representatives who are elected by the students. The Union has the responsibility of organizing co-curricular activities in the College. It also represents the College at University meetings, Youth Festivals and in-ter collegiate competitions
The college union inaugural function was presided by Mr.Sharon, college union chairman and Dr.M.S.Geetha, the Principal of our college. Welcome address was delivered by the Principal. The Chief Guest of the inaugural function was Dr.G..Madhavan Nair ,former ISRO Chairman, he presented the inaugural speech. The Arts club was inaugurated by the famous Malayalam lyricist Shri. Vayalar Sharath Chandra Varma.

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